The number of residents in a sharehouse depends on a property/house. The average number is around 7 residents, but in some cases, 3 residents in a small sharehouse, and 100 residents in a large sharehouse.
The ideal number of residents in a sharehouse depends on each individual preference. In this article, we talk not only about the ideal number of residents in a sharehouse but also about the pros and cons of a sharehouse with a few residents, and with many residents.
What is the ideal number of residents in a sharehouse?
It’s said that the ideal number of residents in a sharehouse is from 7 ~ 10. The average number is around 7 as well.
The number of residents in a small-scale sharehouse is from 3, and there is a large-scale sharehouse that can have 100 residents. Like this, the number of residents depends on a sharehouse.
As the number of residents increases, there would be more trouble. When the number of residents is too small, the relationship among residents would be difficult. That’s why it seems people tend to feel more comfortable when the number of residents is around 7.
In the case of Hidamari, the smallest sharehouse is for 4 residents, and the largest is for around 16 residents. We heard that it’s hard for residents to deepen a relationship in a large-scale sharehouse more than they thought, so we run small-scale sharehouses. Also, we design a space/house that residents can communicate with other roommates smoothly since our sharehouses are for a small number of residents.
How about the sex/gender ratio in a sharehouse?
Some sharehouses set a particular sex/gender ratio. For example, a sharehouse for 5 residents has a fixed ratio, accepting only 2 males and 3 females. In this case, even if the sharehouse has a room available, a female cannot move into if the room is for males.
However, most of the sharehouses don’t have a fixed sex/gender ratio. Please check it out before moving in. Also, the ratio is different in a region, please keep that in your head.
The pros of a sharehouse for a few residents
There are the pros and cons in a sharehouse for a small/large number of residents. For example, a sharehouse for a small number of residents (in this case, hypothetically less than 10 residents) has the following pros.
・ Live at own pace
・ Relatively quiet
・ Easy to say own opinion
Since the number of residents is small, there would be fewer parties and events. Residents can live at their own pace, the sharehouse gets relatively quiet. Also, some people feel easy to say their own opinion to other residents in the small-scale sharehouse. Since residents can communicate smoothly when they have something to tell others, people who are not good at saying their own opinion would be able to live comfortably. Also, it would be easy to feel a sense of security in living together since it won’t take much time to remember everyone’s face.
The cons of a sharehouse for a few residents
There are the cons in living in a sharehouse for a small number of residents. For example:
・ Less events and parties
・ Some sharehouses don’t allow residents to invite friends
You can hold a party or can talk to many people in a sharehouse for the large number of residents, but it would be difficult to do so in a sharehouse for the small number of residents. Also, some sharehouses have a rule that only residents can enter the house.
So, the small-scale sharehouse is suitable for people who want to have a relaxed life or who want to deepen a friendship with a few people, rather than for those who want to make many friends or who want to have fun hanging out with many people.
The pros of a sharehouse for many residents
Here are the pros of a sharehouse for many residents.
・ Make more friends by just living
・ Someone is always in a house, and the house is lively
・ Many events and parties
The number of residents for a large-scale sharehouse is from more than 10 ~ 100. The number of people you meet and interact increases by just living with many people. Also, lifestyle and rhythm become more diverse because many people live together, so there would always be someone in a shared space. Thus, a house is lively, and you can always spend time with someone.
The cons of a sharehouse for many residents
There are the cons of a sharehouse for many residents, too.
・ Feel someone’s presence even at night
・ A shared space like kitchen is always occupied
・ Hard to have your own private time
For example, lifestyle and rhythm become more diverse when the number of residents becomes large. So, there would be someone moving around until midnight, and it would be quite stressful. Also, a shared space could always be messy since someone is using it all the time.
Moreover, it’s hard to have your own private time. Although many people move into a sharehouse because they want to meet and interact with new people, but there is a time that you feel you want to be alone. Someone is often in a shared space, so you might have a hard time to have your private time.
A sharehouse for many residents is recommended for people who want to make a lot of friends, who prefer to be around people, and who don’t pay attention to the small things that much. Also, although many people live together, you can still have your own time in your private room.
Summary: Let’s think about what kind of sharehouse is suitable for you
The number of residents in a sharehouse depends on a house/property and a management company. The average number is around 7, but in some cases, 3 residents in a small sharehouse, and 100 residents in a large sharehouse. Also, some sharehouses set a particular gender/sex ratio.
A small-scale sharehouse is for those who want to have a deeper friendship, and who want to have a relaxed life. On the contrary, a large-scale sharehouse is for those who want to make many friends, who want to be around people, and who don’t pay attention to the details. Please find a sharehouse that is suitable for you.