Life with inspiration and peace of mind Community-based share house. Hidamari

Share house/rooms of the community type in Kumamoto and Tokyo.

5 sharehouses for freelancers and creators, including the pros and important points!


“Can a freelancer or creator can love in a sharehouse?”


Many people might think like this.


To begin with the conclusion, a sharehouse is a recommended way of living for freelancers and creators. A tenant screening for a sharehouse is easy to pass, and furniture/home appliances are prepared in a sharehouse, so it’s easy to find a sharehouse to live in even for a freelancer who has just started his/her career.


Moreover, in many cases, meeting with sharemates would give you more opportunities for a new job, leading you to a new career and increasing income sometimes.


Having said that, it’s hard to know which sharehouse is recommended for freelancers and creators.


So, in this article, we introduce the 5 following sharehouses recommended for freelancers and creators.


・ Geek House Akihabara [Tokyo]


・ CrowdWorks Tei [Chiba]

・ Oaktree Kamakura [Kanagawa]

・ Shin-Osaka [Osaka]


At the end of this article, we talk about the pros and important points of freelancers living in a sharehouse, so please refer to it.


Sharehouse recommended for freelancers #1: Geek House Akihabara [Tokyo]


Geek House Akihabara is a sharehouse located in the central area of Akihabara. Geek House runs sharehouses for freelancers and creators in many areas, and ‘Geek’ means people with unique skill/knowledge in a particular genre.


The sharehouse in Akihabara has the right environment/space for work, like an Internet Café. Also, you don’t need to worry about daily life since it’s located in the central area of Tokyo.


The sharehouse is available for the immediate move-in, so it’s recommended for people who have just started a career as a freelancer.



・ Rent + Common service fee: ¥50,000 + ¥10,000

・ The number of rooms: 5

・ The number of residents: 5 at maximum

・ The nearest station: Akihabara Station on JR Line, Suehirocho Station on Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, Yushima Station on Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line

・ Recommended for: freelancers who want to focus on work


Sharehouse recommended for freelancers #2: TECH RESIDENCE Park SHIBA [Tokyo]


TECH RESIDENCE Park SHIBA is not only just a living space, but also a sharehouse that organizes a study meeting and ‘Mokumoku Kai,’ sort of a study group/workshop without talking. Moreover, sharemates communicate via an application called ‘Slack,’ so it’s an exciting environment for freelancers working in the IT field.


Also, you don’t need to wait for using a shared space since each room comes with a kitchen. It’s a stress-less environment since you can go to your private room and a shared space back and forth anytime you want to.



・ Rent + Common service fee: ¥129,000 + ¥15,000

・ The number of rooms: 11

・ The number of residents: 11 at maximum

・ The nearest station: Shibakoen Station on Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Transportation

・ Recommended for: freelancers working in the IT field


Sharehouse recommended for freelancers #3: CrowdWorks Tei [Chiba]


CrowdWorks Tei is a sharehouse run by CrowdWorks, a crowdsourcing company for freelancers/creators, and hinode, a co-working community that runs co-working spaces in Chiba.


In case of moving in, freelancers/creators who use crowdsourcing would receive many benefits, such as a secret job offer from CrowdWorks, or receiving a financial support of ¥30,000 for a fee at maximum in a year.


Please take the sharehouse into your consideration if you are a freelance/creator looking for a job through crowdsourcing.



・ Rent + Common service fee: ¥35,000 (for a dormitory), ¥45,000 (for a private room)

・ The number of rooms: Please contact the sharehouse

・ The number of residents: Please contact the sharehouse

・ The nearest station: Ohara Station on JR Sotobo Line

・ Recommended for: people who use crowdsourcing


Sharehouse recommended for freelancers #4: Oaktree Kamakura [Kanagawa]


Next, we introduce our sharehouse, Oaktree Kamakura.


Oaktree Kamakura has an AC, a refrigerator, a bed, a full-length mirror, a closet, and a desk and chair in every private room. Necessary things for daily life is prepared already, you don’t need to buy new ones.


People who have just started a career as a freelancer can start a new life immediately.



・ Rent + Common service fee: ¥57,000 + ¥12,000

・ The number of rooms: 11

・ The number of residents: 11 at maximum

・ The nearest station: Ofuna Station on JR East Railway

・ Recommended for people: who want to cut cost for buying new furniture/home appliances


Sharehouse recommended for freelancers #5: Shin-Osaka [Osaka]




Next is a newly opened sharehouse in Shin-Osaka.


Although Shin-Osaka is a small-scale sharehouse for 8 residents at maximum, but it’s a good environment to get along with sharemates because of its smallness. Also, it’s very accessible, 15 min to Umeda and 20 min to Shinsaibashi, to go to a meeting or to a co-working space.


Also, the owner of Shin-Osaka told us, “We hope people working hard for their dream come live in the sharehouse.” Freelancers/creators are exactly the people working hard for their dream, so we believe the sharehouse is suitable for them.



・ Rent + Common service fees: ¥22,000 (for a dormitory), ¥46,000 (for a private room) ~ + ¥6,000 ~ ¥12,000

・ The number of rooms: 8

・ The number of residents: 8 at maximum

・ The nearest station: Higashi-Mikuni Station on Osaka Metro Midosuji Line, Higashi-Yodogawa Station on JR Kyoto Line, and Shin-Osaka Station for Sanyo Shinkansen (the bullet train)

・ Recommended for: people working hard for their dream


We introduced the sharehouses for freelancers/creators so far.

In fact, there are many pros for freelancers/creators to live in a sharehouse. We explain that next.


Pros that freelancers/creators live in a sharehouse, and reasons why we recommend them a sharehouse 


The pros that freelancers/creators live in a sharehouse are mainly the following.


・ Easy to pass a tenant screening even if you have just started their career as a freelancer

・ You can move in at a low cost for the initial cost

・ More focus on work with less time for housework such as cleaning

・ Feel less lonely since it’s easy to make friends in a sharehouse

・ Meeting with new people (sharemates) would lead you to a new job


The biggest pros would be the financial aspects. An occupation without unstable income, such as a freelancer, tends to have a difficult time passing a tenant screening. Also, even if you pass the tenant screening, it would still take time and effort in many cases, such as having to have a few guarantors.


Although a sharehouse does a tenant screening, it’s not as hard as a regular apartment does. Moreover, furniture/home appliances are prepared in a sharehouse, a massive expense for moving is not necessary.


Also, since you live with sharemates in a sharehouse, a common situation that freelancers have, such as talking with no one for a while, hardly occurs. Sometimes, meeting with new people (sharemates) would lead you to a new job, so you might be able to have a new source for income.


We recommend freelancers/creators to move into a sharehouse because of the reasons above, there are some important points you should be aware of. We talk about the details next.


3 important points that freelancers/creators should be aware of when they live in a sharehouse


Please be careful of the following when freelancers/creators live in a sharehouse.


・ Don’t work too long in a shared-space such as a living room in a sharehouse

・ Don’t make noise at night even if sleeping patterns become backward

・ Choose a sharehouse that is well-equipped with furniture and shared-spaces such as a lounge


First, some people would feel comfortable in working in a shared-space rather than a private room. However, a living room is primarily a space for everyone to relax. If you work too long in a shared-space, other people would feel uncomfortable.


Also, since your work time/hours is free, your sleeping patters/life rhythm might go backwards. In that case, you might use a living room at a late hour, please don’t make much noise. Many people have morning-oriented lifestyle, so they would feel annoyed.


Moreover, if you work from home, please choose a sharehouse with a spacious shared-space such as a lounge. Not only you can work comfortably in a spacious shared-space, but also other share mates don’t get bothered much while they are in the same space.


We believe you can find a better sharehouse if you check not only a private room but also a shared-space when you go a house viewing.


Summary: Let’s focus on work at home if you are a freelancer/creator 



We introduced the sharehouses recommended for freelancers/creators in this article.

Let’s go over the 5 sharehouses we introduced.


・ Geek House Akihabara [Tokyo]


・ CrowdWorks Tei [Chiba]

・ Oaktree Kamakura [Kanagawa]

・ Shin-Osaka [Osaka]


And, we explained the reasons why we recommend freelancers/creators a sharehouse as follows.


・ Easy to pass a tenant screening even if you have just started their career as a freelancer

・ You can move in at a low cost for the initial cost

・ More focus on work with less time for housework such as cleaning

・ Feel less lonely since it’s easy to make friends in a sharehouse

・ Meeting with new people (sharemates) would lead you to a new job


Let’s move into a sharehouse for your career and skill development!

By the way, many people consider moving into a sharehouse for the first time.

We summarized the important points when you go house viewing in the article below, so please refer to it.



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